I have chosen to keep an online diary outlining my progress after each media lesson. I have dated each diary entry to its corresponding lesson. These entries can be found below;
Personal Entry
I have chosen to create a blog in which I will be uploading my media related coursework. As well as this I have created a media diary to help keep up to date in my work. Today I have uploaded my completed student magazine work and plan to update this in the future.
After the completion of my student magazine, my next task is too create a front cover, contents page and double page spread of a music magazine, to research into potential genre's and other successful publications. As I now have a blog, I will upload all research and constructions tasks I undertake.
Today is my last lesson before christmas, during the two hours I have carried out research for images used on front covers, what makes them successful and mind mapping ideas i'd like to incorporate. Therefore I have been set the task to take photographs over the holidays as homework for my music magazine.
Today I arranged to take photos for my music magazine. I asked my cousin to come round with a number of outfits she liked. I re arranged my front room, in order to use a plain wall for my background. I then changed the settings on my SLR camera so that the lighting was just right. I then shot her from different shots e.g. Close up/mid shot. I then had a brain wave. It was something strange but very different. As she was wearing lip gloss, I thought it could be made more different by using hundreds and thousands, sprinkling them on her lips. I then carried on with the shoot and I a really pleased with the outcomes.
First lesson back after the holidays, as I had the photos with me, I uploaded them to my college account and had a good look through them, I experimented with different images, and decided which one would be best to use, along with the layout I wanted. I also asked my lecturer Emma for advice and what she thought of the image I chose. Towards the end of the lesson I started work on my front cover.
Unfortunately due to being ill, I missed this weeks lesson, therefore at home I carried on with research tasks, literally just browsing potential layouts that I could base mine around.
Today I carried on working with my front cover. I decided that the image was enhanced enough to work for a front cover, experimenting with different contrasts helped me develop something decent. I had almost finished my front cover and was starting to input cover lines that worked with the festival theme of the magazine. My computer screen then froze and shut down the photoshop programme I was using, therefore I lost all of my front cover work up to date, the college technician did try to recover the file, but due to my stupidity of not saving as I went along, I am now back to square one.
After losing my work last week, I now find myself behind with my music magazine coursework, however as I still had a pretty good idea of what development I had used before, re creating the front cover again was a lot easier than last time. By the end of the lesson I was back up to date, to where I was before.
Next lesson I just need to add the final touches and the front cover will be completed.
I began the lesson by finishing my my front cover. My next task is to work upon a contents page as the deadline is edging closer, ideally I need to dedicate more time to the double page spread. I will now use the remainder of the lesson looking at other successful contents pages and hopefully start to begin my own.